Keywords - podpowiadacz ?
tez mialem jaja z keywords w wersji PL
dlatego teraz opisuje tylko po Angielsku
no ale moze jest cos takiego jak akrobatyczne malarstwo
człowiek majstrował, chyba słownik centralnie wszystko tłumaczy, beka z tego
A tu taka nowinka o keywords:

Keywords: Addressing the problem at the source

Our Inspectors now have a new set of tools to add and remove keywords right in the queue and Exclusives will be the first contributors to benefit from this change. We've given Inspectors a mandate to aggressively reject non-Exclusive files with poor metadata.

The good news for our Exclusive contributors is that we're going to spend more time on you. Exclusives will not receive any rejections for keywords. If your upload has any incorrect tags and terms, the team will remove them and approve your files. Every time. Meanwhile, the metadata team is on a hiring spree. They'll be adding upwards of 20 new members over the next little while. Once we have the resources, we plan to get even more involved in keywords right at the point of ingestion.

We know that image keywording and its effects on searches has been the sore thumb of our site for a while now. Developing our search and metadata team and providing them with the tools and resources they need is our number one priority right now. We are improving our mechanical translations to ensure that those of you keywording in your native languages will get more accurate terms. And we're working hard to stop the influx of bad keywords right at the source. Attacking bad keywords will begin in the next few weeks.

So it's good news for everyone at iStock. For Exclusives, it's just that much better.
nie ma sensu używać IS w wersji pl, nic nie działa poprawnie, - to raczej gadget dla kupujących nie dla fotografów

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