2015-01-22, 17:04:11
No to faktycznie słabo... Dzięki za informacje

Stockfresh – nowy microstock na rynku
2015-01-28, 08:51:50
Ruch jest naprawdę mały, ale te dodatkowe 100$ w ciągu roku to też coś
2015-01-28, 11:17:47
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 2015-01-28, 17:07:02 {2} przez adalbert74.)
2015-10-07, 11:38:42
Ile czekaliście na akceptację jako sprzedawca?
2 miechy moja aplikacja już wisi...
2016-01-12, 22:54:00
Moja aplikacja wisi już 7 miesięcy... Został ktoś przyjęty w ostatnim czasie?
2016-01-13, 10:17:01
Nie fatyguj się z wrzucaniem nawet, moja sprzedaż tam stanowi ok 0.2% tego co na ss.
2020-09-24, 16:45:29
To tak w ramach ciekawostki, 17 października zwijają żagle.
Ale przykre jest to, że jak ktoś nie uciułał 50$ to kasa przepada, żenada. Regarding the closure of Stockfresh, we are going to pay all contributors who are above the $50 minimum payment threshold, as stated in the Contributor Agreement (https://stockfresh.com/info/ca). If you are below the $50 minimum payment threshold, you can either a) wait for customers to download your images to reach the threshold before October 17 and make a request before November 1, or b) contact support to have your images removed from the website without payment at any time, with immediate effect. If you have any other questions let us know. ---------------------------------------------------------- After 10 years of operation Stockfresh is closing its doors on October 17, 2020. Why are we closing? As you probably know, the stock photography market has changed a lot in the last few years, and we don't feel we can make a meaningful contribution any more in the current business climate. The disconnect between what customers need in 2020 and their expectations regarding prices in a market that's been oversaturated for years makes it really difficult to build and grow a sustainable stock photography business. Therefore, for the time being we decided to focus our efforts on other projects. How does this affect customers? During the next 30 days, customers will still be able to buy your images using the instant download feature and use up all their remaining prepaid and subscription credits. They will also be able to re-download images they previously purchased for backup purposes, just like before, if the images are still available for sale on the website. After October 17, customer access to all images will be disabled. How does this affect contributors? As a contributor, your work will still be available for sale for the next 30 days by default, however you can request us to close your account early and claim your earnings at any time during that period, if you have reached the $50 threshold. During this time we'll not be able to accept any new submissions. On October 17 all remaining images will be removed from our servers automatically, and you will be able to request your earnings no later than November 1. To make this process smooth, please make sure your payment details are up to date. Thank you very much for your continued support. It's been great working with you and we wish you the best of luck for the future!
2020-10-19, 12:54:23
Zmienili politykę wypłat, wypłacają do 1 list. cokolwiek uzbieraliście, pomimo oficjalnej informacji na stronie o wymogu przesłania im certyfikatu rezydencji podatkowej wystarczy sam skan dowodu.
2020-10-19, 20:45:26
Dzięki za info
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