Sprzedaż w PantherMedia
Zamykał ktoś konto na PM? Mam już ich dosyć. 5 abonamentów w miesiącu to max, a w tym miechu Elka za 6 euro (dla mnie 30%) to już GRUBA przesada.
Tak, ja zamykałam. Napisałam w tej sprawie i zero odzewu. :/

(2017-08-01, 12:47:22)irontrybex napisał(a): Nie mamy przypadkiem wspólnego PF? 3 lata i 21euro na liczniku Icon_cheesygrin

Ja 7 lat i 23,11 na liczniku  Icon_evil
Od dawna nie zaglądam bo ten bank to jakaś kpina, ale takie zaskoczenie :
14,97 euro i kilka po niecałym 1 euro. Grubo. Uzbierało się przez kilka lat 60euro. Czyste szaleństwo.
U mnie się uzbierało 24 euro z groszem, ale też zauważyłam, że wpadło parę sztuk euro ostatnio. Jeszcze do wypłaty zostało. Pewnie się uzbiera za 2 lata przy tym co tam mam Icon_wink
Co o tym sądzicie?

"Introducing our special licence project for image-streaming

Dear Claudia

we would like to inform you about a new optional special license on PantherMedia. If you want to increase your sales, you don’t have to do anything further. However, if you wish to object to the use of your images for the following purpose, you can do so in the policy management area of our contributor portal.

New revenue through image streaming

Markets are evolving. This is not only true for our photography market. Our customers are also exposed to the challenges of constant change. The publishing industry has been subject to the transformation away from a print business towards online for years now – with quite drastic consequences. We have walked this path together with our customers and you, the photographer. Pressure on prices was and still is high for everyone, and with the success of free image platforms that we are increasingly in direct competition with, we are entering a new era of image licensing. Of course, on such free sites the photos are not legally checked and the selection is limited on these platforms, but publishers are increasingly willing to use these photos. But where will this trend lead when photographers don’t receive licensing revenues and agencies have to bear the costs of IT, marketing and rights control by themselves? Escaping this vicious circle is a challenge we accepted two years ago and now we are putting into action our response after a long development period.

Our solution: The licensing fee is no longer paid by the publishing house, but by the advertising industry. And this is how it works: A publisher, blogger or website operator "streams" images (no download permitted) from PantherMedia into his website. To do this, he has to copy a code snippet into his website, that grants PantherMedia access to the photo. PantherMedia then displays relevant ads on the photo in the target website. For each page impression (website visit or photo display) a fee is paid by an advertiser. This fee is split between all parties in the chain: the photographer, the publisher as well as the photo agency and the advertising agency. In this model, each participant benefits: The publisher continues to use legally safe images with a real license and still has access to a large selection, the photographer receives success-based license income based on the page views while the photo agency receives a share for the licence and the advertising agency for its service. Even the advertiser wins in this model because he gets to use a new and particularly eye-catching and context-relevant advertising space.

Two years ago, we founded a new subsidiary for this type of licensing and advertising. At adpressi.com you will get a good insight into the functionality and forms of advertising. What we now describe superficially as "advertising", however, is in actual fact a very complex development based on artificial intelligence. So, we invite you to visit the site.

The growth of this business model will take place in several phases. In the first phase, our goal is to spread your photos worldwide in the publishing environment in order to generate a lot of traffic to the photos while already generating initial advertising income. In the next phase, the advertising revenue will be optimized. With the appropriate traffic and reach, we will have key selling points and flexibility for advertising. An advantage from the very first day of streaming images: in addition to the copyright notice, the displayed photos are linked to the purchase in the stock photo agency. Thus, we increase the licensing probability of your images to customers who do not want to have advertising on photos. Eliminating advertising for a fee, in our case from an image, is today a very well established business concept originating with Apps in smartphones and a further, credible, new royalty source.

What’s next?

If you do not want to participate in this exciting and future-oriented project, you can deactivate your participation in the policy management in your contributor portal. You can do this at any time, however the special license will be activated within the next 14 days after we have sent this email. Since the publishers do not download your photos, instead just "stream" them, we can also hide and replace your pictures at any point of time later.

If you want to be part of this new revolution, you don’t have to do anything further. We will launch the new platform within this year as a new section on adpressi.com.

All further questions and a demo video can be viewed on our information page.

Best regards,"
(2018-11-16, 13:33:21)Claudia napisał(a): Co o tym sądzicie?

"Introducing our special licence project for image-streaming

Long story short - dostawac pare groszy za wyswietlanie zdjecia uzytego do reklamy ?
Ja to juz podziekowalem wszystkim stockom ktore ledwo przeda i by sie utrzymac jakos przynajmniej do konca roku wymyslaja "tego typu akcje" glownie korzystne dla licencjobiorcy,agenta,posrednika i agencji mydlac oczy fotografowi ochlapami zwanymi w powyzszym tekscie " ekscytujacym nowym sposobem na powiekszenie zyskow"
Wyłączyłam tą opcję Smile Dziękuję za odpowiedź.
Niestety dziś pierwszy raz pojawiły mi się tu sprzedaże po 0,04 i 0,07. Dotychczas minimum było 0,23 EUR. Icon_sad

Załączone pliki
.jpg   pantgrosze.jpg (Rozmiar: 84.66 KB / Pobrań: 26)

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