2016-05-23, 16:12:24
A prosze tutaj bardzo ciekawy watek z apple.com
i generalnie dosyc swiezy, bo z ostatnich miesiecy
Do tego zerknij tutaj:
"All copyrights, trademarks and/or service marks associated with the emoji designs appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners. Any use of such copyrights, trademarks or service marks, including the reproduction, modification, distribution or republication of same without the prior written permission of the owner, is strictly prohibited."
a ponizej, ten kawalek:
"Images in the charts are courtesy of Adobe, Apple, Emojipedia.org, EmojiXpress, Google, iDiversicons, Microsoft, and others."
z czego wynika ze w/w to glowni posiadacze praw do emoji
Zebys sie nie czula zaskoczona, to tutaj prawdziwy rarytas co jest porejestrowane np jako znaki towarowe
i generalnie dosyc swiezy, bo z ostatnich miesiecy
Do tego zerknij tutaj:
"All copyrights, trademarks and/or service marks associated with the emoji designs appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners. Any use of such copyrights, trademarks or service marks, including the reproduction, modification, distribution or republication of same without the prior written permission of the owner, is strictly prohibited."
a ponizej, ten kawalek:
"Images in the charts are courtesy of Adobe, Apple, Emojipedia.org, EmojiXpress, Google, iDiversicons, Microsoft, and others."
z czego wynika ze w/w to glowni posiadacze praw do emoji
Zebys sie nie czula zaskoczona, to tutaj prawdziwy rarytas co jest porejestrowane np jako znaki towarowe