2011-11-18, 23:40:46
Dostałem dziś z IS wiadomość takiej oto treści:
Dear iStockphoto Exclusive,
We are happy to invite you to access the Getty Images Contributor Website, www.gettyimages.com/contributors. At this site we maintain a large library of detailed creative briefs accessible to exclusive contributors only along with targeted research into visual trends. We want you to have access to this information to inform and inspire you in your creative work.
Czy wszyscy Ex to dostali? Możecie mi wyjaśnić co takie konto w Getty dla mnie może oznaczać?
Dear iStockphoto Exclusive,
We are happy to invite you to access the Getty Images Contributor Website, www.gettyimages.com/contributors. At this site we maintain a large library of detailed creative briefs accessible to exclusive contributors only along with targeted research into visual trends. We want you to have access to this information to inform and inspire you in your creative work.
Czy wszyscy Ex to dostali? Możecie mi wyjaśnić co takie konto w Getty dla mnie może oznaczać?