Liczba postów: 4 069
Liczba wątków: 358
Dołączył: Oct 2007
Miejscowość: Wrocław
Nie ma żadnego typu wyłączności w tym banku zdjęć.
Liczba postów: 129
Liczba wątków: 2
Dołączył: Jan 2010
Miejscowość: Rumia
Dlaczego myślisz że w moim przypadku komercyjne pobrania mogą się zdarzyć dość często??
Liczba postów: 732
Liczba wątków: 11
Dołączył: Nov 2007
Miejscowość: Warszawa
At 25 cents per download, how am I going to make any money?
Shutterstock is a subscription-based stock library. Buyers may download a few hundred pictures in a single month's membership. We get a wide variety of users subscribing, so the more images you have in our library, the more you can make! The .25 per download payout adds up fast - for example, if your images are downloaded 1000 times over the course of a month, you will receive $250 for that month! And after earning a total of $500, your rate will increase to $.33 per download, with a tiered set of pay increases as you reach the $3,000 and $10,000 milestones. If you make $250 per month, that's $3000 per year from images that would normally be collecting dust on your hard disk!
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How much will I be paid as a submitter?
Our current payout rate for Standard License 25-A-Day Subscription downloads is: $.25 (25 cents per image download). After earning a total of $500, your rate increases to $.33 per download. Once you surpass a total lifetime earnings of $3,000, your rate will increase to $.36 per download, and after you reach $10,000 in lifetime earnings, your rate will increase to $.38 per download.
Our current payout rate for On Demand Subscription downloads is: $.81 for the Small/Medium Image Size plan, and $1.88 for the All Sizes plan. After earning a total of $500, the rate increases to $1.07 per download for Small/Medium and $2.48 for All Size. Once you surpass a total lifetime earnings of $3,000, your rate will increase to $1.17 for Small/Medium and $2.70 for All Size. After you reach $10,000 in lifetime earnings, your rate will increase to $1.24 for Small/Medium and $2.85 for All Size.
Additionally, the royalty for an Enhanced License image download is $28. A chart outlining payout rates can be found here.