Property release - lekkie przegięcie?
Ja bym sobie dał spokój i wrzucił coś innego. Ostatnio zrobiłem abstrakcje z kolorowego papieru to mi odrzucili a za drugim razem już z property release zatwierdzili.

We have removed the following images that you uploaded.
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DECEMBER 29: Views of The Milwaukee Art Museum, a
contemporary building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on December
2011 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (96458108) deleted because: Potential
intellectual property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DECEMBER 29: Views of The Milwaukee Art Museum, a
contemporary building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on December
2011 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. (96458111) deleted because: Potential
intellectual property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 29: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 29, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (96866080) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 29: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 29, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (96868669) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - MARCH 25: The Art Institute of Chicago building
by architect Renzo Piano on March 25, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
(103219322) deleted because: Potential intellectual property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 11: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 11, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (108440615) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 11: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 11, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (108440618) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 11: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 11, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (108440624) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 11: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 11, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (108440627) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - DEC 11: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Dec 11, 2011 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (108440633) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576352) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576355) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576358) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576361) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576364) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576367) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576370) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN - AUG 05: The Milwaukee Art Museum, a contemporary
building designed by architect Santiago Calatrava on Aug 05, 2012 in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. (109576373) deleted because: Potential
property infringement
ShutterStock Support

Przecież to były Edytoriale.

Milwaukee Art Museum
•Located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
•Images are only acceptable as editorial with appropriate editorial captions.
Czy mógłby mi ktoś napisać co należy wpisać w:
- property Release na początku tekstu w linijce po " hereby grant to_" oraz
- w Model Release for Minor w 2 pierwsze linijki na początku tekstu?
Może jednak ktoś zdobyłby się na altruistyczny odruch, poświęcił minute swojego cennego czasu i udzielił informacji co należy wpisać w:
- property Release na początku tekstu w linijce po " hereby grant to_" oraz
- w Model Release for Minor w 2 pierwsze linijki na początku tekstu?
Dla mnie to zagadka. Może bym pomógł ale nie wiem co masz w jakiej linijce napisane. Nie wiem jak wygląda MR którym się posługujesz.
(2012-10-21, 19:55:11)Wuja napisał(a): Nie wiem jak wygląda MR którym się posługujesz.

drugie i trzecie pole do wypełnienia
wydaje sie że:
drugie: opis przedmiotu
trzecie: nazwisko fotografa
ok, spróbuje tak, dziękuję bardzo.

czy Shutterstock może mieć pretensje o zdjęcie na tle takiej wzorzystej tapety w sensie praw autorskich? Nie wiem czy kupować czy zaprojektować samemu i wydrukować?

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Wątek: Autor Odpowiedzi: Wyświetleń: Ostatni post
  Property Release a figurka handmade adalbert74 19 13 432 2016-01-15, 13:35:05
Ostatni post: adalbert74

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