Opinie o Veer Marketplace
Z braku czasu zacząłem tam wrzucać tydzień temu - a dzisiaj site offline ... :/ czyżby to koniec ??
eee chyba nie oferowaliby 10% obnizki dla kupujacych gdyby mieliby byc out of business, a wiec pewnie jakies problemy techniczne albo jakis maly upgrade, przeciez pisza ze:

We'll right back.Promise
Cytat:Dear Veer Contributor,

We’re excited to announce the launch of a redesigned veer.com. We’ve worked hard to roll out a new web site that offers customers simpler navigation, better showcases more affordable content, and provides industry-leading payment flexibility. We’re proud of the new site, and want to share the highlights with you:

We’ve moved our entire collection into a single, powerful search experience that better showcases your content. Microstock images are no longer on the sidelines; they’re now completely integrated into a single search. This makes them front and center to all buyers – a big plus for customers looking for lower-priced content. In addition, we’ve removed some of the industry labels that customers sometimes found arbitrary and confusing, such as premium, value, or microstock. Instead, we’re simply showing images with their corresponding prices right up front. We’ve also added new search filters that allow users to quickly find the content that best fits their needs and budget – whether it’s price range, resolution, or file type.

We’ve made the Veer home page beautiful and user-friendly with a big search box, gorgeous images made from elements that can be licensed on the site, and a clearer explanation of what Veer offers. We think it’s really going to draw new buyers in. We renamed the tabs at the top of the page, and added easier access to a new and improved lightbox, as well as a redesigned shopping cart. We’re also showcasing a new tagline: Veer makes it easier to be creative. With a combination of over 1.5 million royalty-free images and illustrations, over 12,000 fonts, and some of the best T-shirts and mugs around, we think this tagline will resonate with both current and new customers.

Customers on Veer have been able to use credits to buy Marketplace content from day one. But customers were limited to buying macrostock content with a credit card or on-account only. Now all customers can license all of your content with either credits purchased in a credit pack, or pay directly with a credit card. We think this kind of flexibility is going to be a hit – from big agencies that prefer credit cards for accounting purposes, to the smaller shops that appreciate the savings and pick-and-go convenience of credits. Find out more about what the new payment flexibility will mean for you and your royalties.

Another important change you should know about: we’ve removed the term Marketplace from page copy. It’s all just Veer now. Simple for us, simple for you, and – most importantly – simple for customers. In order to help keep things clear, we’ll soon be renaming our contributor-focused Twitter account from @VeerMarketplace to @VeerContributor to reflect these changes.

To celebrate the new site and share it with existing customers and new ones alike, we’ll be rolling out lots of marketing communications, beginning in late summer and continuing throughout the fall. And we’re going to keep working to improve the new site even more over the coming months – be sure to let us know if you spot any bugs or have a feature suggestion.

We’re excited about the future of Veer and we hope you are, too. Thanks for working with us.

If you have questions or comments on any of the changes, please contact us at contributorhelp@veer.com.

Veer Contributor Team
Wszystko pięknie i ładnie tylko nadal nie widzę swoich zdjęć w ich wyszukiwarce, poza tym oczekiwanie na akceptację zdjęć też daje sporo do myślenia. No ale może zbyt dużo od nich wymagam Icon_cheesygrin
moje jest na #1 stronie, to mi wystarczy Icon_wink
coś im się słabo dzieje, ale się może poprawią? Icon_wink
Czekam na akceptację paczki od 08.07 :E

Co ile można wrzucać kolejną stówkę ? Nie mogę tej informacji znaleźć ...
(2010-07-22, 08:51:58)mathom napisał(a): Czekam na akceptację paczki od 08.07 :E
Ja czekam na akceptację zdjęć jeszcze z maja, więc sobie poczekasz.

Cytat:Co ile można wrzucać kolejną stówkę ? Nie mogę tej informacji znaleźć ...
Następną 100 można wysłać po 7 dniach.
toto cudeńko raczej zdycha, też czekam baaaardzo długo i nie wrzucam dopóki se chłopaki nie poradzą z tą paczką, która czeka (110fot.)

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