2008-08-05, 08:49:21
Chyba sie zreflektowali i daja nam juz mozliwosci opt in/out.
Swoja droga bardzo ladny mail, czlowiek mial wrazenie, ze pisza do niego osobiscie
Cytat:(...)As stated on the call, we want to apologize for how this policy change and its communication were handled. We have taken your concerns seriously and decided to step back and review our initial plan. There will be no changes in your ability to control where your content is distributed. All three opt-out options will remain fully functional.
If you are not familiar with these options, as a contributor to Stockxpert you can earn more by:
1. Choosing to include your content in subscriptions on Stockxpert and other Jupiterimages sites;
2. Choosing to include your content with unrelated third parties Jupiterimages does business with, and/or;
3. Choosing to sell extended rights for your content enabling it to be used in products and services which are sold. (...)
Swoja droga bardzo ladny mail, czlowiek mial wrazenie, ze pisza do niego osobiscie