2015-04-28, 12:03:11
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 2015-04-28, 12:36:52 {2} przez maccio.)
Czyli to samo... Napisałem do nich, zobaczymy czy będzie jakaś reakcja.
Już odpisali
Thanks for your message. We are experiencing longer than usual wait times for curation due to a significant surge of submissions recently. At the moment, review times for Photos are at around 19 business days. I can assure you our Curators are going through everything as quickly and carefully as they can.
Please know, we are striving for quicker reviews than our current review times, and presently have a few curators in training to help get the curation time back to our normal 3-5 days. If you have more files you'd like to submit, simply continue uploading them to your portfolio, and we promise we'll get to them as soon as we can.
Ciekawe, czy ktoś od nas się załapał na ich curatora
Już odpisali
Thanks for your message. We are experiencing longer than usual wait times for curation due to a significant surge of submissions recently. At the moment, review times for Photos are at around 19 business days. I can assure you our Curators are going through everything as quickly and carefully as they can.
Please know, we are striving for quicker reviews than our current review times, and presently have a few curators in training to help get the curation time back to our normal 3-5 days. If you have more files you'd like to submit, simply continue uploading them to your portfolio, and we promise we'll get to them as soon as we can.
Ciekawe, czy ktoś od nas się załapał na ich curatora