2008-08-16, 20:13:50
jeśli usunełam zdjęcia zanim oni je sprawdzili to coś się stanie?
ERROR: Delete image file failed (error code 30).
This section lists all files that have been uploaded by you and are not yet approved. Unless they have been allocated by an image administrator for reviewing, you can modify or delete them.
ETR represents the estimated time for review. Note that this is an approximated value, based on a computer algorithm. You should take into account that delays may appear (especially during weekend time) and that an image can be under review for 1-24 hours (also delayed during weekend time).
ERROR: Delete image file failed (error code 30).
This section lists all files that have been uploaded by you and are not yet approved. Unless they have been allocated by an image administrator for reviewing, you can modify or delete them.
ETR represents the estimated time for review. Note that this is an approximated value, based on a computer algorithm. You should take into account that delays may appear (especially during weekend time) and that an image can be under review for 1-24 hours (also delayed during weekend time).