2015-11-30, 22:17:24
(2015-11-30, 21:31:31)borzywoj napisał(a): kurka nie rozumiem tego maila co iStockphoto przesłał:
"On October 30, 2015 we announced that we had increased the per-download royalty rate for our recently released small 10 and 25 download limit monthly subscriptions.
As noted in the original announcement we will be making admin adjustments to your account in the amount of $1.44.
This adjustment represents the difference between the subscription rate for 25 or less DL/month and the subscription rate for more than 25 DL/month from August 25 to October 31, 2015. Please note that you can view your adjustment amounts at any time on your "Stats csv", located on your “Stats" tab."
Może ktoś wytłumaczyć "o so chodzi"?
W skrocie chosi o to ze dostaniesz cale $1.44 wyrownania, za sprzedane DL w okresie Sie-Paz, w zwiazku z promocyjna sprzedarza abonamentow/subskrybcji gdzie DL wynosil ponizej $.25 dla artysty, pisali juz o tym kiedys chyba z miesiac temu, teraz oglaszaja kto ile dostanie ot oto chosi