Dziwne ruchy - odrzucanie starych zdjęć
Dostałem właśnie maila, informującego o wykasowaniu z mojego portfolio plików dawno temu zaakceptowanych:

In order to maximize your sales and maintain a diversified database, the following images have been removed from your portfolio:

-These images show a very high degree of similarity with other images in your portfolio. We have kept the best versions online and removed the ones without any downloads. Your approval ratio will not be affected by these refusals, however, please be selective with your future uploads or additional penalties may be applied.

We expect this to improve your overall sales, revenue and royalties.
-Files approved by accident. We apologize for the inconvenience but the image needs to be removed.

Też mieliście kiedyś takie akcje??

Pozdrawiam Icon_cheesygrin

Wiadomości w tym wątku
Dziwne ruchy - odrzucanie starych zdjęć - przez maccio - 2015-08-10, 11:28:10

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