2012-05-03, 21:02:51
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 2012-05-03, 21:12:03 {2} przez alga38.)
nie wiem czy pisać to w tym wątku, ale chyba to będzie dla mnie miłe.. Tylko nie wiem dokładnie o co chodzi... czy ktoś już dostał takiego maila?
Hello Alina
We are very pleased to inform you that you have a new affiliate. Your new affiliate is referenced as member id (tu wymieniony jakis numer). For reasons of privacy we are not allowed to provide any detailed information about affiliates. You can find a list of your affiliates and your affiliation revenues in the member area of your Fotolia account.
Thank you for promoting Fotolia,
ok, już wiem o co chodzi
Hello Alina
We are very pleased to inform you that you have a new affiliate. Your new affiliate is referenced as member id (tu wymieniony jakis numer). For reasons of privacy we are not allowed to provide any detailed information about affiliates. You can find a list of your affiliates and your affiliation revenues in the member area of your Fotolia account.
Thank you for promoting Fotolia,
ok, już wiem o co chodzi