2011-05-11, 23:05:45
Coś dziwnego się dzieje na DT, odrzutów mam więcej niż na SS.
Generalnie powód:
This image does not yet meet our present requirements in terms of technical quality, composition, lighting setup, color, or overall attention to detail.
Please take time to browse through our best selling images on this subject and adjust/reshoot the image in order to maximize its sales potential. Thank you.
Nić już z tego nie kumam. Ale wrzucę ponownie za jakiś czas to może przejdzie.
Generalnie powód:
This image does not yet meet our present requirements in terms of technical quality, composition, lighting setup, color, or overall attention to detail.
Please take time to browse through our best selling images on this subject and adjust/reshoot the image in order to maximize its sales potential. Thank you.
Nić już z tego nie kumam. Ale wrzucę ponownie za jakiś czas to może przejdzie.