2010-02-24, 11:53:40
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 2010-02-24, 11:56:06 {2} przez canion.)
no to i mnie dopadło. tym razem sie wk..łem . kilka zdjeć rozumiem. ktoś sie pomylił, coś nie pasowało , pobrał przypadkowo - OK. ale dziś cofneli kase za pobrane uwaga: 173 zdjećia /słownie sto siedemdziesiąt trzy zdjecia/ , Rekord? Ktoś miał więcej? . to już uważam za lekką przesade. co to k....wa jest. ?stock free photos dla wszystkich ? ktoś sobie fajne uzupełnił zapasy za darmochę. No cóż. coś czuję, że czeka mnie długa i nieprzyjemna korespondencja z supportem. jak mnie zbanują to dam znać.
Dear Tomasz, Due to reasons which are beyond our control, we are sorry to let you know that ....... have been removed from your earnings as result of a refund for file IDs ............... Possible refund reasons: - Accidental download; - Admin download test; - Credit card fraud with mandatory refund issued at request to real card holder; - Duplicate download; - Incorrect size/format/license purchased; - License update; - Performance issues (misspellings in texts, quality); Due to the high volume of daily transactions, we cannot provide additional clarification on the refund performed. Measures are always taken for the licenses to be withdrawn and images deleted. Any subsequent unlicensed usage is liable to legal action and penalties. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Niech oni "patience and understanding." sobie w d...ę wsadzą. przepraszam ale trochę sie zeźliłem
Dear Tomasz, Due to reasons which are beyond our control, we are sorry to let you know that ....... have been removed from your earnings as result of a refund for file IDs ............... Possible refund reasons: - Accidental download; - Admin download test; - Credit card fraud with mandatory refund issued at request to real card holder; - Duplicate download; - Incorrect size/format/license purchased; - License update; - Performance issues (misspellings in texts, quality); Due to the high volume of daily transactions, we cannot provide additional clarification on the refund performed. Measures are always taken for the licenses to be withdrawn and images deleted. Any subsequent unlicensed usage is liable to legal action and penalties. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Niech oni "patience and understanding." sobie w d...ę wsadzą. przepraszam ale trochę sie zeźliłem