2010-02-16, 16:24:59
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 2010-02-16, 16:53:50 {2} przez Mastercheat.)
No i ja się zalogować nie mogę, zleciłem wypłatę końcową poniżej progu, ale na paypalu cisza...
Ktoś z was już dostał?
Jak na zawołanie.
Właśnie dostałem maila:
Thank you very much for your email.
As per your request, your account will be closed and your royalties paid out in full. In preparation for the account closure, please delete all files from your portfolio.
If there is anything else we can help you with, don't hesitate to contact us.
Ktoś z was już dostał?
Jak na zawołanie.
Właśnie dostałem maila:
Thank you very much for your email.
As per your request, your account will be closed and your royalties paid out in full. In preparation for the account closure, please delete all files from your portfolio.
If there is anything else we can help you with, don't hesitate to contact us.