2010-02-04, 17:44:18
Ktos mi to przetlumaczy...bo zwykly translator jakos nie poradnie to zrobil
"Please note that requesting your final payout will also close your SXP
account. Your files are eligible to be featured in the new subscription
- Thinkstock.com. If you choose to keep your contributor account with
you will continue to accrue royalties from any sales through
The royalties will be added to your balance monthly, and as usual, once
reach 50.00 USD you cash in your earnings."
Glownie chodzi mi o pierwsze zdania.
"Please note that requesting your final payout will also close your SXP
account. Your files are eligible to be featured in the new subscription
- Thinkstock.com. If you choose to keep your contributor account with
you will continue to accrue royalties from any sales through
The royalties will be added to your balance monthly, and as usual, once
reach 50.00 USD you cash in your earnings."
Glownie chodzi mi o pierwsze zdania.