2010-02-01, 10:08:31
Jest wcześnie rano, powinnam jeszcze spać... Sprawdziłam z jednym otwartym okiem sytuacje na stockach, coby milej zacząć luty... ja chyba jeszcze śnię
"We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your submission, entitled man on boat (...) for addition to the iStockphoto library for the following reasons:
After serious consideration, we would require model release(s) for accepting this submission into the iStockphoto collection. In the context of this image, we feel that the people are recognizable."
Przecież to sam prezydent USA relaksuje się na mazurskiej łódeczce! Nie wytrzymam...
"We regret to inform you that we cannot accept your submission, entitled man on boat (...) for addition to the iStockphoto library for the following reasons:
After serious consideration, we would require model release(s) for accepting this submission into the iStockphoto collection. In the context of this image, we feel that the people are recognizable."
Przecież to sam prezydent USA relaksuje się na mazurskiej łódeczce! Nie wytrzymam...