2022-03-10, 14:42:00
(2022-03-10, 13:50:32)SHaiith napisał(a): Na mój kiepski angielski wychodzi mi tak. Zmieniłem także początek, bo nie można brać tylko pod uwagę obecną sytuację związaną z wojną, ale także wielomiesięczny trend rosnącego kursu euro. Bo odpiszą Ci, że to tymczasowe warunki, które zmieniają się.
Due to the recent events in Europe and the high EUR / PLN exchange rate for many months, I am asking for a change conversion rate from credits to PLN currency. Currently the value of credits to PLN is 4, which is significantly detrimental to all of us receiving payments in PLN. Our colleagues in Poland who have accounts in € or $ receive significantly higher amounts for the same downloads, and we work just as hard. Today the cost of the dollar is PLN 4.50, and the cost of the euro is PLN 4.80. However, forecasts indicate a significant increase in these currencies in the coming weeks. Which gives the difference in earnings of about 20% to our disadvantage, and even more in these weeks. The best solution would be set the conversion rate of 1 credit to 1 €, as do colleagues from the € zone where we live as well. Currently, the cost of living in Poland is often higher than or equal to the cost in Western Europe, which additionally exacerbates the difference in calculating credits. Therefore, I am asking you to recalculate the credits and to agree to request positively.
Yours sincerely.
Dzięki myślę że ma to sens. Od siebie dodam coś jeszcze o dyskryminacji.
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