2011-02-03, 03:58:50
Dostałem maila od supportu o tresci:
Jest też wątek o tym oszustwie
Czy ktoś z was też padł ofiarą tego oszustwa?
Dostałem maila od supportu o tresci:
Hello greg801
Recently a large number of images on iStock have been downloaded using
credits purchased with verified yet unauthorized credit card numbers.
Given the scale of this particular fraud, we will be removing any royalties
attributed to your account from verified fraudulent downloads.
Below we have included a list of your files that were fraudulently
downloaded, as well as the total royalties for each file that we've removed
and the date of each download.
Please note that it may be necessary for us to remove royalties
attributable to fraudulent downloads again in the future.
Please know that we take these issues very seriously and we have been
working hard to identify and stop these fraudulent downloads. We have
involved the appropriate authorities, whose investigations are ongoing and
we are not able to provide further details at this time.
If you have any questions about the royalties we've removed, please contact
us in Contributor Relations.
File ID Download Date Royalty Amount
2461431 2010-12-23 23:22:31 tt 3.75
13151876 2010-12-26 9:39:40 tt 7.5
Total Royalties Removed: 11.25
Jest też wątek o tym oszustwie
Czy ktoś z was też padł ofiarą tego oszustwa?