Stock Board - forum fotografii stockowej
Czy podpisać? - Wersja do druku

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+--- Dział: ShutterStock (
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Czy podpisać? - gubernat - 2016-11-09

Dostałem maila z Shutterstock z prośbą o podpisanie takiego druku. Zdjęcia kwiatka.
Ktoś miała takie coś? Podpisać i wysłać?

Printed Name: ______________________________________________ (gubernat)
City/State: ______________________________________________
I am the artist of the above described image, a copy of which is also attached to this Agreement (the “Image”).
The License
• Shutterstock, Inc. is my duly authorized agent and has my permission to license the Image to the United States Postal Service upon
whatever terms they may agree (the “License”).
• Shutterstock, Inc. and the Postal Service have (or will) enter(ed) such a License through which I will be compensated.
The Image
• I personally created the artwork within the Image on my own.
• I was not commissioned to create the Image, the Image is not in the public domain, I have not sold my copyright in the Image to
anyone else and I am personally the sole copyright owner of it.
• The Image does not infringe upon any copyright, trademark, trade dress, rights of privacy or publicity, patent rights or third party
contract rights and does not contain libelous matter.
My Likeness
• The Postal Service may use my name, image, photograph, biographical information and other aspects of my likeness to accurately
credit me as the artist of the Image, but unless otherwise agreed in the License, it is not required to do so.
The Postal Service
• The Postal Service is a business and is fully in charge of its branding and marketing. Because of that, unless otherwise agreed in
the License:
o The Postal Service will own any materials in which it uses the Image.
o I will not use any materials the Postal Service creates with the Image without the Postal Service’s prior written permission,
except that I may include the materials in my portfolio to accurately show how my Image was used so long as I do not
claim the Postal Service sponsors or endorses my work.
o I will not have any pre-approval rights over how the Image is used.
o The Postal Service is not obligated to use the Image if it decides not to do so.
o I cannot revoke this Agreement once the Image has been used.
o I will keep the fact that I have signed this Agreement and the details of it confidential.
o I will not sue, dispute, challenge, raise objections to or institute proceedings against the Postal Service for using the
Image and I hereby waive all legal and equitable rights I may have as well as all claims, demands, damages and
expenses arising directly or indirectly from the same.
• I am under no obligation to sign this Agreement, but if I do sign I do so voluntarily, without duress, fully understanding my rights and
having had the chance to consult an attorney.
• This Release is binding on, and shall benefit, the Postal Service, me and our respective (as applicable) heirs, devisees, legatees,
representatives, guardians, conservators, administrators, successors, assigns, agents, transferees and estates.
• I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct.
__________________________________________________________ ________________________
Signature Date

RE: Czy podpisać? - GregorK - 2016-11-09

będziesz miał swoją fote na znaczku pocztowym w stanach pewnie Icon_cheesygrin

RE: Czy podpisać? - gubernat - 2016-11-09

Czyli Podpisać Smile

RE: Czy podpisać? - GregorK - 2016-11-09

dopytaj o co chodzi i dlaczego masz to podpisać. bo jeśli to pobranie za 0,38 to szkoda prądu. Icon_cheesygrin

RE: Czy podpisać? - gubernat - 2016-11-09

Zaryzykuje, może z 1 dolara zarobi Icon_mrgreen

RE: Czy podpisać? - rpd - 2016-11-09

(2016-11-09, 14:04:14)gubernat napisał(a): Zaryzykuje, może z 1 dolara zarobi  Icon_mrgreen

raczej obstawiam, że powinieneś mieć na nowy sprzęt foto Smile

RE: Czy podpisać? - guteksk7 - 2016-11-09

A to nie jest przypadkiem sprzedaż praw autorskich? W ogole można zarobić wiecej na Shutterstock niż te 120 dolców które deklarują? Mam nadzieję, że się pochwalisz sumką jak sfinalizjesz transakcje :-D

RE: Czy podpisać? - maccio - 2016-11-09

Ja bym zapytał - w jakim celu?

RE: Czy podpisać? - guteksk7 - 2016-11-09


RE: Czy podpisać? - gubernat - 2016-11-10

(2016-11-09, 18:43:56)maccio napisał(a): Ja bym zapytał - w jakim celu?

Pytałem. Odpowiedź już padła Smile

(2016-11-09, 13:39:53)GregorK napisał(a): będziesz miał swoją fote na znaczku pocztowym w stanach pewnie Icon_cheesygrin