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Wpłaty z Partner Program - Wersja do druku

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RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - Wuja - 2014-02-24

kiedy jakakolwiek kasa?

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - tarczas - 2014-02-25 IS!...dostaliście już info o potrącaniu nadpłaty, która naliczyli.....nieprawidłowo za wrzesień i październik czy tylko ja jestem tym szczęśliwcem?? hmm ja tam widzę niezły burdel...nie wzbudza to zaufania w żadnym razie

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - alzajac - 2014-02-25

aaaa popie..... ich chyba

Cytat:We discovered that there were some irregularities with September 2013 and October 2013 Partner Program royalties payments. There were a number of contributor accounts that were overpaid royalties over these two months. Unfortunately your account was one of the affected accounts.

We have calculated the over payment amount to be $322.08. Rather than take this amount out of your royalty balance in one adjustment we have decided to schedule the removal of these funds over a 6 month period. Starting before the end of February 2014 we will begin removing $53.68. Once per month for the next six months we will recoup the balance of the over payment. You will receive a monthly notification as immediately after the funds are removed.

Over Payment Total=$322.08

Monthly Recoup Amount=$53.68

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - AndyCandy - 2014-02-25

Zaczęło się. Otrzymałem maila, że we wrześniu i październiku zeszłego roku nadpłacili mi z pp:

Over Payment Total=$22.86

...i że co miesiąc będą mi potrącać:

Monthly Recoup Amount=$3.81

Ale ciołki Icon_evil

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - Bridzia - 2014-02-25

No to już są jaja. Z kogo jeszcze durnia robią?

We discovered that there were some irregularities with September 2013 and October 2013 Partner Program royalties payments. There were a number of contributor accounts that were overpaid royalties over these two months. Unfortunately your account was one of the affected accounts.

We have calculated the over payment amount to be $30.54. Rather than take this amount out of your royalty balance in one adjustment we have decided to schedule the removal of these funds over a 6 month period. Starting before the end of February 2014 we will begin removing $5.09. Once per month for the next six months we will recoup the balance of the over payment. You will receive a monthly notification as immediately after the funds are removed.

Over Payment Total=$30.54

Monthly Recoup Amount=$5.09

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - hmc - 2014-02-25

Ja tez dostalem takiego maila. Burdel... ech

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - vermer - 2014-02-25

We discovered that there were some irregularities with September 2013 and October 2013 Partner Program royalties payments. There were a number of contributor accounts that were overpaid royalties over these two months. Unfortunately your account was one of the affected accounts.

We have calculated the over payment amount to be $105.42.

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - AndyCandy - 2014-02-25

Lobo napisał na forum:

"We decided to forgo recouping on amounts that were less than $50. This essentially reduced the affected contributor numbers by more than half. It's not a perfect solution, but we did want to find a way to limit the impact of the recoupment."

Jeśli "forgo" oznacza "zrzec się" to nie rozumiem dlaczego chcą mi coś potrącać skoro miałem tylko ~22$ nadpłaty Icon_rolleyes

EDIT: poprawił się już na 10$ zamiast 50$. Co za barany !

"Typo, that was under 10$ not 50$. Apologies for the confusion."

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - tarczas - 2014-02-25

zapytaj....powie, że wcześniej odliczyli pewnie...żenada

RE: Wpłaty z Partner Program - alzajac - 2014-02-25

A czemu do cholery części ma to niedotknąć a część tak? Albo wszyscy albo nikt. Oni powinni się do cholery do błedu przyznać, a nie my płacić za ich błędy.